
sarahjaneamparocartoonI am Sarah Jane Amparo. I made this blog to share some of my thoughts. I just write what I see, the good and the ugly. As I write, I always have to tell myself to be honest and keep listening to the voice that is speaking within me and put them down on paper or iPad, and publish some of them here. I like writing and I’m better expressing myself through it. I’m inclined to do solitary activities. I feel cozy in the company of books and when I write.

Writing for me is like talking to a dearest friend who has high tolerance for whatever I have to say. Not writing is like ignoring my dearest friend and the inner voice within me will be sad. I write because I don’t want to bury what my soul yearns to do. I will end up on the ground at some time in the future and will disappear on the face of the earth, but at least let me leave some of my prints.

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